Our Team

Joel Maier

President Executive Director Cyber Proud, Inc.

Matt Lenzi. CFO

CEO Synergy BMC

John Dunn. Secretary

Regional Director of Apprenticeship for the Bay Area Community College Consortium

James Villa. Director

Security Advisor in Google Public Sector & Cyber Soldier for the California Army National Guard

Joseph Barnett. Director

Director of Global Supply Technologies for Blue Diamond Growers

Maximum Flournoy. Director

Emerging Tech Professional

Robert Bowman Jr. Director

Attorney at Law, Law Offices of Bowman & Associates

Dr. Steven Campas Jr. Director

Program Chair, College of Business and Information Technology, Univ. of Phoenix

Troy Adams. Director

Cyber Engagement Specialist, Department of Health and Human Services, Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HHS-HC3)

George Usi. Advisor & Mentor

CEO & Co-Owner Omnistruct

Cecily Gomez

Talent Manager Cyber Proud, Inc.

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